Jordan Arnold (He/Him)

Co-Host of 3v0 Podcast

So who is Jordan? A podcast host? A gamer? 360 chipmunks stuffed into a suit? Perhaps. But who am I really? I’ve been described as a nomad (completely lost) and a dreamer (easily distracted) but deep down, I think I’m just another goober who likes to play video games and has now decided he’s going to play video games and then yell about it……. Into a microphone this time.

In all seriousness, I have such a deep love for video games that when I find one that I love I legit want to scream about it. That’s kind of what this whole thing started as. I’ve always been a pretty big dork, but I make no apologies for that. I cuss like a sailor (I’m a little sorry for that) and I have all the coordination of an oversized labrador. If that’s the kind of vibe you like then I hope you enjoy the podcast.

Favorite Color: Red
Favorite Book: World War Z
Favorite Movie: The Maltese Falcon
All-Time Favorite Video Game: Dead Space 2
Favorite Genre of Video Game: Shooter
Nintendo, Xbox, or PlayStation? Xbox
What do you love about 3v0? The positive vibe, welcoming attitude, and the hosts are hot!

Jordan Arnold (He/Him) has hosted 45 Episodes.